Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It's Been Awhile

It has been a really long time since I've blogged.  I was in a funk and not happy with a lot of things in my life and didn't have a lot I wanted to share.  I'm happy to say I've made some changes and I feel like myself again and I want to get back into my blog.  Last month I got a new job, so far so good, it's been a great change of pace.  I've moved form a very corporate environment to a smaller family run technology company.  I really couldn't be happy with the change!

I totally fell off the wagon and gained all the weight I had lost back and more.  My new job has cut back on my stress eating and I've started using the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Program.  I plan to start posting about my journey through this 90 day program.

I did set a few goals for the year and I've done well working on them.

Goals for 2012:

  1. Get a new job, after I had my first long Thanksgiving weekend in my life and the crap I had to put up with to get it, I told myself I am never going to work Black Friday again.  Check!
  2. Read 112 books this year.  56/112 ahead of schedule.
  3. Lose weight and get in shape.  I'm working on this.
  4. Read War and Peace.  
  5. Upload more pictures to Mimi's photo frame.  This has been a total failure and I need to work on this. 
I hope to be posting about my Body Revolution journey, books and cooking more often.

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